20 January 2015

By default, no rollback handling rules are defined if you simply add @Transactional to your method. In order for the rollback to actually be executed upon failure, you must define one or more exceptions that you want to trigger a rollback via the rollbackFor or rollbackForClassName attributes of the annotation:

public void save(final Book book) {
    Author author = new Author(book.getAuthorName());

In the example above, the @Transactional annotation makes use of the rollbackForClassName attribute value to force a database rollback if any exception of type java.lang.Exception is thrown by the method (e.g. if any exception happens, roll both save operations back). The rollbackForClassName attribute actually provides a little more flexibility than the rollbackFor attribute value. From the @Transactional JavaDoc:

Consider carefully how specific the pattern is, and whether to include package information (which isn’t mandatory). For example, "Exception" will match nearly anything, and will probably hide other rules. "java.lang.Exception" would be correct if "Exception" was meant to define a rule for all checked exceptions. With more unusual java.lang.Exception names such as "BaseBusinessException" there is no need to use a FQN.

— org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional#rollbackForClassName() JavaDoc

As you can see, it gives you the ability to provide rules to match certain sub-strings of exception types to better control your rollback logic.

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